
Our drawer portfolio offers the variety you need to make great choices for your operations!

Choice. We manufacture drawers that fulfil different catering requirements!

We recognise that airline catering operations vary and preferences for drawers are dependant on a multitude of factors.

Our Aluflite range of drawers has been carefully designed and engineered to offer choice in terms of material and also with respect to drawer runner preference.

We are confident that our drawer product portfolio offers enough variety for the different service preferences required in existing inflight catering operations. Simply put, an excellent choice! 

Our drawers are lightweight and durable.

Learn more about the characteristics each drawer can deliver for your inflight catering operations. Please use the hyperlinks below to visit each drawer product page:

Let's discuss your requirements.

Reach out to our sales team and arrange a time to schedule a call to discuss your immediate and future requirements for inflight catering drawers. 

Email us:

drawers, catering drawers, airline polypropylene drawers, 3-runner drawers, airline trolley drawers, airline cart drawers, ATLAS drawers, aluminium drawers - Korita Aviation
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